The Latest Ideas To Get Active Outside

Guest blogger Joss Moore
Hooray Spring is finally here! The days are longer and warmer, the leaves are out and the flowers are blooming - so let’s take advantage of this! 

Our guest blogger Joss Moore says it’s time to ditch the sweaty, crowded gym and get outside in her latest post for On The Sliding Slides. There's so many ways you can get active which don’t have to be tedious or expensive. Here are some suggestions to get you going. 

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Park Run

When it comes to running, do you struggle to keep yourself motivated? Why not join your local park run and be spurred on by the hundreds of others who take part.

This 5K event which is held every weekend all around the world is perfect for all abilities. As you are timed in each race, there is always the desire to beat your last PB which means you’ll start to see improvements in no time! There’s no pressure to go every week though, just turn up when you can and then feel smug for the rest of the day that you’ve already run 5K before 10AM! And best of all its totally free. To find your nearest park run check out their website here.

Training in the park

Parks are amazing places, especially in towns and cities where green space is limited. Make the most of your local one by using park benches, trees and jungle gym for your workout. I recommend Shape Magazine's outdoor workout to tone every inch just using a park bench.

If you prefer having company and something a bit more structured you should look into outdoor training classes in your area. These workouts are similar to what you might do in the gym or at an exercise class – but outside. It’s a group session run by a professional trainer so it’s a great way to meet new people or get active with a friend, and boy do you feel the benefits!

Blog founder Steph (left) at her outdoor training class in Hemel Hempstead


Ever felt nostalgic for your old school sports such as netball, dodgeball or basketball? Or maybe you were part of a team at uni but haven’t found a club near you since then? The likelihood is that there’s a Powerplay club just around the corner from you!

I’ve recently started Netball Powerplay in Cambridge and am really enjoying it, despite not having played for about 10 years! All abilities are welcome and once again it’s a great way to meet new people. I recommend contacting your local team and finding out whether they have any intro sessions coming up. They can then sign you up to a team and a league and you're ready to go!

Follow my activities on Instagram @joss_moore for more ideas like this!
