2018's First Week of Fabulous Healthy Meals

It's a common New Year's Resolution; to eat more healthily. With that in mind, the food that I've eaten for the first week of 2018 has all been chosen to be nourishing and wholesome for my body. Oh, and it's all delicious too, of course!

You can read all about it below. I hope that it might inspire you.

Delicious salad at Cafe Rouge

Monday 1st January began with some instant oats. I chose Oomf protein oats, the golden syrup flavour, but if you'd like to know what instant oats might suit you, I've detailed almost 30 different pots by calories, protein content, and taste here.

Then tomato soup for lunch and a mega roast chicken dinner complete with stuffing balls, cauliflower, broccoli and drizzled with meaty gravy.

Healthy eating at work

Tuesday, I was back to work, so that meant a yoghurt, a satsuma, and an apple at my desk before microwaving a portion of homemade sweet potato cottage pie that had been made and frozen the week previously by yours truly. The idea came from a post I wrote about swapping certain carbohydrates in traditional recipes for healthier options.

Later that day I snacked on a packet of Sunbites crisps - they're multigrain so better than other choices - to put me on until dinner. Starting with a couple of tasty chicken satay skewers, my partner and I had created a delicious tuna pasta bake for main, made with wholemeal pasta and lots of sweetcorn.

Wednesday started with the same food as the day before, then beef chilli for lunch, a cheeky afternoon snack of carrots and houmous, and lamb wholemeal pitta breads with salad for dinner.

Thursday saw a yoghurt and a satsuma again before some cantaloupe melon. We often like to buy a big melon, chop it up into chunks, and pop it into tubs for work - it's much cheaper than pre-chopped and packaged fruit from the supermarket. I find that it lasts longer too.

Lunch, I dug into a big homemade chicken salad with pickles, cucumber, red cabbage, lettuce, beetroot, carrot... a.k.a. the works! An afternoon of work and a warm wholemeal pitta and carrot sticks dipped into low fat houmous was a welcome delight when I got home.

Friday, you guessed it, a yoghurt, satsuma and apple at work. I met my Mum for lunch at Cafe Rouge and thoroughly enjoyed a chicken, butternut squash and beetroot salad. Tasted ace, generous portion, I'd definitely recommend.

A cheeky Indian takeaway was my Friday night treat. But my sister, Ellie, and I steered away from the likes of doughy naan breads and creamy curries. We stuck to meaty and vegetable-laden dishes, like cauliflower bhaji.

Healthy eating at the weekend

For some people, healthy eating crashes at the weekend. Alcohol and sugary or fatty foods seem too tempting to resist, but I'd planned my way to avoiding this. Eggs and a wholemeal pitta for breakfast, snacks of satsuma and Nature Valley bars, and chicken for dinner.

Sunday morning meant HEALTHY PANCAKES! I make mine with a banana and two eggs, you can see how here, and this time I smothered peanut butter and strawberry jam on top. A Subway salad for lunch - one of my best recommendations for healthy fast food when you're out - and a wonderful roast chicken for dinner.

Not a bad way to start 2018, eh? Let me know how you started yours.

Remember to head over to my Instagram @SVMullins for regular food inspiration!
